1. Introduction

At Pedwar Ltd., we recognise the importance of environmental sustainability and are committed to reducing our environmental impact. As a web design, development, and hosting company, we understand that our operations have both direct and indirect effects on the environment. This policy outlines our approach to sustainability and our commitment to continual improvement in this area.

2. Our Commitment

Pedwar Ltd. is committed to:

3. Energy Efficiency

We aim to reduce our energy consumption by:

4. Sustainable Web Design and Development

We are committed to creating sustainable digital products by:

5. Green Hosting

For our hosting services, we strive to:

6. Waste Reduction and Recycling

We aim to minimise waste and promote recycling by:

7. Sustainable Procurement

We will:

8. Employee Engagement

We will engage our employees in our sustainability efforts by:

9. Review and Update

This policy will be reviewed annually by the director to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness. Updates will be made as necessary to reflect changes in our business, technology, and environmental best practices.